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If you would like to connect with one of our Pastors please fill out the form below and we will have someone reach out to you soon.


If you or a loved one needs prayer, you've come to the right place! Please click the button above.

Have a testimony?

We LOVE hearing all the good things God is doing! Write us in the form below about your testimony.

want to get involved?

We would LOVE to have you on our team! Please fill out the form below.  We will connect with you to get to know you better, learn about your passions/gifting and will fit you with the best team.

Want more info?

Would you like more information about our Church? Fill out the form below and we will help you get signed up for our next DNA class!

Need Help?

Project Barnabas is short term pastoral care and intentional encouragement for the difficult situations that everyone finds themselves in from time to time. It’s about getting your head above water so that you can start to swim on your own again. It’s about hope.

Click the button below for more information and to sign up.

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