November Week 1

Nov 7, 2021

In our first week, we start in Philippians 4:11b-13. In
this letter, Paul is writing to the church at Philippi to
help them understand more about what it means to
follow Jesus. Paul shares how they can be content and
even have joy regardless of their situation in life. This is
something that Paul has had to learn from experience.
His example of contentment in the face of difficulty is a
great lesson for all of us.

Bottom Line: God can help you be content. We can’t
promise kids that when they follow Jesus, everything
in their life will work out just the way they want it
to. However, we CAN promise them that even if life
isn’t okay, God can help them be okay with their
circumstances. We pray that no matter what kids are
facing, they’ll learn to trust that God can give them what
they need to get through it.