November Week 3

Nov 21, 2021

In week three, we head to Exodus 16:2-21, 17:1-7 with
a look at how God’s people responded while they were
traveling through the wilderness. God had rescued them from slavery in Egypt, yet when they found themselves in uncomfortable situations, they complained that God didn’t care about them. They even said they wanted to return to Egypt! In spite of that, God continued to meet their needs in the wilderness and provided what they needed the whole time.

Bottom Line: Don’t miss out on what you have now.
If we’re only thinking about what we DON’T have,
we might miss out on celebrating the ways God is
taking care of us. It’s all too easy to look at our present
circumstances and think we need something else to
make us happy. God has something different in mind
for us. Contentment is finding the joy in what God has
provided here and now. We pray that kids will start
seeing the good in their lives rather than complaining
and missing out.