End of Year Missions Update

FUNDAMENTALS Happened in 2022! 
Elevation Church, thank you for your incredible generosity and faithfulness in serving the vision, together! It was a year of FUNDAMENTALS, going back to the basics of love and building on the momentum of 2021 when you captured the selfless spirit of  We-Ology, - “We > Me.”  Once again, WE partnered together to Elevate, Equip, and Engage our community here, there, and everywhere in 2022! Here’s some of the ways you were missional: 
Fueled by $30,000 dollars of your generosity in 2022, our church significantly  impacted local, national, and international missions ministries and parachurch . This amount was THE most missional dollars invested by our church ever in one single year in our entire 10-year history! Below are some of them: 
Manna For Life - food pantry 
Going Global - a world-wide missions organization focused on widows, orphans and pastors. This year’s top investments: 
Andaman Islands – widows, orphans, pastors & bible school 
Nepal - widows and orphans Christmas outreach 
Adult Teen Challenge - a new startup coming to Green Bay for addiction/recovery 
Be Still Ministries - a Wisconsin-based pastoral retreat center 
Chi Alpha - an on-campus ministry at UWGB 
Purpose 21 - missionary to Mexico – Gary Batt, longtime friend of EC since day one 
Christian Fellowship International - a network of churches in Southwest United States led by EC Overseer Ron Corzine 
Bethel School of Discipleship – and Shiloh Church under the leadership of EC Overseer Marty Pronovost 
REVELACION CHURCH – New Church plant in Green  Bay 
Because Elevation Church EXISTS and from your general tithes and offerings generosity to support our vision and mission, in 2022: 
  • Jesus opened doors to preach the gospel and minister at three correctional institutes in the state.  
  •  Fox Lake Correctional 
  • Oshkosh Correctional 
  • Taycheedah Correctional.  
  • We offered numerous hands-on, in-person supernatural ministry training, from bootcamps to our summer Living Room sessions, to our current Elevate You, Equip You, and Engage You sessions running this fall through next spring. These environments are designed to ACTIVATE you into a supernatural lifestyle with Jesus. 
  • Our digital missional outreach has literally touched the world, as we receive feedback and even testimonies/prayer requests from all over! It was because of your investment here and the efforts of our entire production team on Sundays and throughout the week that our digital world expanded and grew! Online services like our bible studies, At Your Peak leadership videos, Historical Biopics of the Bible, marketing and technology improvements!  Can’t wait to see what happens in 2023! 
  • GREAT THINGS happened INSIDE the church. Worship nights. Prophetic activation. Baptisms. From our greeters and ushers, hospitality and security teams, you created a safe and loving Greenhouse environment where healthy people grow!  Don’t forget about Emmaus inner-healing ministry team along with Project Barnabus ministry team who encouraged and impacted many, along with our intercessory prayer and altar ministry teams.  We are thankful for the spiritual and physical growth of our eMerge youth and eKidz ministries and the leaders who love them well. Community built up in our groups and HouseFires initiatives. And of course the Sunday gatherings that you all served together in Him. We saw families TRANSFORMED. Decisions made for Christ. Marriages restored, and a new marriage-enrichment initiative was formed. Emotional hurts and physical bodies touched and healed. Saved. Healed. Delivered. Activated. ALL.YEAR.LONG. 
On top of this, we celebrated 10 years in existence this past October and WE SAW Jesus supernaturally FORGIVE a construction loan from our lease build out in 2018 worth HUNDREDS OF  THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS -  DEBT-CANCELLED! I am convinced that favor on us is because this church is missional to reach people and ELEVATE them to a new life in Christ, EQUIP them for His purpose, and ENGAGE culture through the mighty power of God. 
Your support through time, talent, and your treasure is invaluable, allowing our staff and leaders to do what they are called to do, so WE can do all He has called US to do. 
I am so excited to share with you at the beginning of this next year, some of the great things He has in store for us to advance the kingdom here in 2023! For those of you interested in end-of-year giving, just go to this link below or you can give on our Elevation Church Wisconsin app. 

We love you!
Ryan and Hope Kibbe 

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